As a member of the Fort Tejon Historical Association you support Fort Tejon's interpretive programs and restoration of the historic fort. You also receive free admission to FTHA events (though not state park events) and a quarterly newsletter, the Adjutant's Journal. And, if you are a member reenactor you can participate in our living history and reenactments at the fort.

Fill out the application form today!
Membership Fees Individual: $20.00/year Family: $30.00/year
Use the following online form to join or renew. Once you fill out the form you will be sent to PayPal to make your payment.
Please click here to join on line.
Although we prefer that you use our online form, you can also join by downloading and printing the following application form.
This can be mailed in with your payment.
Membership Application Form (PDF)
Guardian Assignment for Reenacting Minors (PDF)